A-Adverbs of Manner:(Usually with `ly`)
Adverbs are words that modify:

1.a verb
  He drove slowly.
How did he drive? adjective
  He drove a very fast car.
How fast was his car?

3.another adverb
 She moved quite slowly down the aisle.
How slowly did she move?

         Adverbs often tell when, where, why, or under what conditions  something happens or happened.
  Adverbs frequently end in -ly; however, this is NOT ALWAYS the case. The words lovely, lonely,
  motherly, friendly, neighbourly, for instance, are adjectives:

  e.g:That lovely woman lives in a friendly neighborhood.

B-More examples of Adverbs:

Adverbs of Manner
 Maria moved slowly and spoke quietly.
In the above sentence, the adverb slowly answers the question,
how Maria walked. Adverbs which answer the question How?
are Adverbs of Manner.

Adverbs of manner are often formed by adding 'ly' to the adjective.
e.g. brave (adjective) - bravely (adverb)

Adverbs of Place 

She has lived on the island all her life.
She still lives there now.

 Adverbs of Frequency

She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
She often goes by herself.

 Adverbs of Time

She tries to get back before dark.
It's starting to get dark now.
She finished her tea first.
She left early.

Adverbs of Purpose

She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
She shops in several stores to get the best buys.

C-The Position of Adverbs 
They reported that Salima, the Malaysian diva, had died on the six o'clock news.
The sentence above is very misleading.  Did Salima die on television while in the newsroom? Or was the report heard during the six o'clock news? The confusion is due to the misplacement of the adverb.
The underlined modifier should be placed immediately after "they reported" or even to the beginning of the sentence so the meaning becomes clear. 
One special feature of adverbs is their ability to move around in a sentence.

Underline the correct Adverbs of ‘ly’:

I.    Read the instructions______________ (carefully, carelessly) before answering the questions.

2.   The naughty boy crept ___________________(loudly, quietly) behind the girls to scare them.

3.   Nurses should attend ___________________(patiently, angrily) to the sick.

4    Harun is sleeping __________________(slowly, soundly). Don’t disturb him.

5.   All of us cheered _________________(joyfully, sadly) when our team won the match.

6    Speak ___________________(clearly, softly). I do not know what you are saying.

7.   The sun is shining _________________(lightly, brightly). Let’s go out and play.

8.   “Eat ____________________(slowly, hurriedly) or you’ll choke,” said his mother.

9.   Listen_________________ (closely, clearly) to the cassette and do this exercise.

I O.The girls are not doing their work_____________ (rightly, correctly).

I I. Kok Keong ran into the house and ____________(correctly, clumsily) knocked down the vase.

12 . Lee Lan whispered ________________(soundly, softly) to her father.

I 3.The workers walked ________________(slowly, hurriedly) because they were late for work.

14.Her friends admired her for _________________(courageously, cowardly) speaking up to her ill-tempered boss.

I 5.The woman cried ______________(sweetly, bitterly) during the funeral.

16. Don’t cross the river. It is flowing very ______________(softly, swiftly).

17.The boys walked along the corridor_________________ (noisily, quietly), disturbing the classes.

I 8.The customer spoke____________ (politely, angrily) to the grocer because he was cheated.

19.Rokiah held ________________(tightly, softly) to her father while riding on his motorcycle.

20.Geeta is holding the baby _________________(strongly, gently) in her arms.

21 .Your friends waited __________________(eagerly, bitterly) for you to return.

22.Encik Karim watched _____________(sadly, proudly) as his daughter received the award.

23.The carpenter worked very _______________(skillfully, smartly) with his tools.

24. Parents should not treat their children _____________(cruelly, sickly).

25.You have to walk ________________(slowly, quickly) to catch up with me.